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Our Mission

The understanding of human metabolism, the process by which cells make and use energy, is an emerging frontier in medical science. Cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular, infectious and degenerative diseases even dementia all reflect alterations in cellular bioenergetics.


The Metabolomycs™ platform applies quantitative mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to evaluate biochemical intermediates as surrogates for human disease. Using as little as 10 microliters of blood we measure metabolic signatures as biomarkers for disease presence (early diagnosis), aggressiveness (prognosis), response to therapy (prediction) and the likelihood of future disease occurrence (prevention).


The platform (patents pending) has been shown to provide a tool for the early diagnosis and management of various cancers and has the capacity to capture a large consumer market offering a new level of rigor for the assessment of each individual’s state of metabolic wellbeing. Metabolic signatures could be envisioned as tools to provide individualized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, with the intent of changing the course of each individual’s illness. This introduces a new development in medical science “Interventional Metabolomics”   

Cancer Diagnostics and Beyond

For over a century, cancer research has focused upon the genetic basis of malignancy. This led to an explosion of genetically targeted agents and the birth of an entire industry focused on high-throughput next-generation DNA sequencing. However, these breakthroughs have not had the desired impact on the prevention or treatment of cancer. While gene-based therapies have been successfully applied in select tumors (EGFR and ALK in Lung) the majority of cancers do not carry “actionable” targets.  Even the successes are often short-lived and come at a high cost and with significant toxicity.


Metabolomics, by measuring biochemical intermediates provides an unparalleled level of rigor for the assessment of human health and disease. Beginning with the early detection of cancers like ovary and pancreas, Metabolomycs™ will then move aggressively into the consumer market offering highly validated, objective data to a growing population of healthy individuals who are engaged in evidence-based personalized health.

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